“I don't remember... is there another way that my doctor can find out all the medicines I am taking?”
“Who is using my health data? What is it used for?”
“Another cyber-attack!? What is the government doing to protect my medical information?”
If these questions ring a bell, the upcoming Health Information Bill (HIB) has the answers.
The proposed HIB mandates the contribution of a copy of selected key health information that you share with your healthcare providers to a national database, the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR). It also imposes safeguards to secure the use of your health information. With HIB, you will be able to enjoy a more seamless and better care experience, and your healthcare provider will be able to make better clinical decisions for you.
Objectives of the Health Information Bill (HIB)
The Health Information Bill sets out provisions to:
1. Ensure that health information is kept updated, accurate, and accessible by healthcare providers. This is done through requiring healthcare providers to contribute selected health information to the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR).
2. Establish a framework for the sharing of health information between healthcare providers in the healthcare ecosystem to support the continuity of your care.
3. Set out the basic data security and cybersecurity requirements that healthcare providers must comply with.
More details can be found in our HIB public consultation paper on REACH. You may also write in to to provide your feedback and enquiries.